Through a national and international experience M & Partners Insurance Broker specializes in the intermediation of insurance coverage, with national companies and / or international subscribers through its office, of objects of art, jewelry and precious both for those who create, and for those who sell, display, manage and / or transport valuables.
We can help our clients make sure that their policy conditions are favorable by ensuring that they have the right insurance solution for their property with greater control over how they handle their claims.

Dedicated to companies that manage and / or transport valuables, cash, diamonds, jewelry, precious metals and securities, the coverage designed for these risks are extensive and cover liability for any type of loss, damage to items, which are in transit or storage in order to provide a complete solution to ensure every liability that the company has assumed when signing the contract with the customer.

In the Fine Art sector, Tailor Made policies are offered for all types of works of art and collectibles, whether transit or exhibition: paintings, sculptures, antiques, manuscripts, crystals and ceramics, fabrics, jewellery, vintage cars, coins and stamps and more, through our dedicated team, are protected from any inconvenience, regardless of the patrimonial value to be insured.

The insurance product "jewellery" covers all activities that revolve around jewellery, diamonds and precious stones in case they are stored in shops or vaults but also during transport, exhibitions and fairs whether they are producers, intermediaries or mere deposit account.