M & Partners pays attention to transparency and clarity of information.
We are used to making transparent both our roles and our interests in insurance transactions and operations, including the remuneration system that we may receive.
We receive compensation for our activities in a variety of ways, including commissions and fees from insurance companies and fees from customers.
In addition, according to local laws and regulations, the company may receive compensation through a combination of the methods listed below.

The insurance company may pay the intermediary a percentage commission on the premium paid by the policyholder for the policy.
The amount of the commission may vary depending on a number of factors, including the type of insurance product sold and the insurance company chosen by the customer.
The percentage of commissions may vary from placement to placement.

There is the possibility for customers to agree to pay a fee for the activities performed by the intermediary in substitution for or in addition to the commissions paid by insurance companies.

The broker may receive fees from insurers for consultancy or other activities.
The scope and nature of the services vary depending on the insurance company.

The broker may participate from time to time in promotional events organised by insurance companies or in training events for his employees offered by the companies themselves.
Sometimes the intermediary is reimbursed by the insurance companies for marketing costs incurred.
For further information please contact your contact person.